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Lawn & Garden

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sungold tomatoes with trellis background

Your Tomatoes Need Your Support!

They may look small and sweet now, but don’t let your tomato plants fool you. Without proper support, tomatoes …

hand picking tomato. Image Credit: Laurel Babcock

Setting Your Tomatoes Up for Success

With our last fronts (hopefully!) behind us, it’s finally time to begin planting warm-season fruits and vegetables. Among summer …

Cover photo for Relief Funds for Farmers

Relief Funds for Farmers

​ Carolina Farm Stewardship Association posted an article about COVID-19 Relief Funds Available to Farmers Starting April 3. RAFI-USA will be …

Recent Publications related to Lawn & Garden


Controlling Sedges in Landscape Plantings

More than 40 sedge species may be found in North Carolina landscapes. Although grass-like in …

Postemergence, Non-Selective Herbicides for Landscapes and Nurseries

Manual removal of weeds is time consuming, expensive, and often results in damage to landscape …

Devrinol (napropamide)

This pesticide factsheet covers the use and characteristics of Devrinol (napropamide).

Dimension (dithiopyr)

This pesticide factsheet covers the use and characteristics of Dimension (dithiopyr).

Nematodes in Turf

This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of nematodes in turfgrasses.

4 days agoTurfFiles
Blackseed plantain root type.

Blackseed Plantain

This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of blackseed plantain.

5 days agoTurfFiles
Annual bluegrass weevil adult in the palm of a hand.

Annual Bluegrass Weevil in Turf

This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of the annual bluegrass weevil and addresses how to control …

5 days agoTurfFiles
Algae in a bermudagrass putting green

Algae in Turf

This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of algae.

5 days agoTurfFiles